Playshops for the kid in everyone: Groups
Playshops for Groups — Now Available Virtually
PlayReflections™: Playshops for the Kid in Everyone, is a fun and engaging blend of imagination, games, creative movement and relaxation. Each “playshop” is designed with the needs of a particular group in mind, while the goal remains the same: To nurture a room-full of people sharing a sense of playfulness, safety, well-being, vitality, confidence, delight, and laughter.
Playful Stress Relief
Participants develop a lighter attitude while exploring the joy of the child within. We enrich our creative process and develop a new level of self-esteem through playful group interaction. Designed for corporate groups, professional associations, front-line helping professionals and community groups.
Fun Is a Good Thing: Lighten the Load
Play is essential to a healthy life and creates a feeling of truly belonging. Rather than the workplace’s usual m.o. — competition, contests and lose/win scenarios, there is a better way. Jeanne enthusiastically creates community through expressive, inviting and joyful experiences. We'll unwind, relax and rediscover our playful nature in the service of greater connection, understanding and acceptance of differences. For team building, retreats, human service providers, and employee
What To Do With The Young and The Restless
Techniques for educators and parents to enhance skills to intuitively work with children. Through creative movement, games, music, relaxation strategies and imagination, Jeanne emphasizes cooperation, self-esteem, communication and creativity. Parents/teachers/providers learn to tap children’s natural skills and interests to deepen the quality of care.
“I feel like play is the essence. If it’s not fun, why do it.“
— Jerry Greenfield, Co-Founder Ben & Jerry’s
Children & Adults with Special Needs
With decades of rich experience, Jeanne can design playful educational programs for both children and adults with developmental challenges and learning differences. Family participation is always encouraged.
Energizers - Just for Kids
Cooperative wild & wonderful play with preschoolers or school-age kids. Let's all feel good about ourselves! Since curiosity, expression, laughter and loving to learn are essential components of a healthy life, this program is intentionally designed to meet the developmental needs of young children to do just that. Designed for the specific needs of your group.
“I love the radiance Jeanne puts in an environment. Get out there and keep spreading joy!”
— Patch Adams, M.D., Founder of Gesundheit Institute
Experiential Keynote Presentations
For conferences and groups larger than 50. Jeanne has engaged groups from 50 to 500 in lively, interactive, and enlightening Keynote Presentations.
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What People Are Saying
Over the years, I’ve been in all kinds of groups and workshops, lots of them. And, I’ve never felt this good about myself!”
— Douglas Trumbell, Academy Award Winning Filmmaker and Special Effects Pioneer
“After attending a PlayReflections playshop, I was gently reminded of my humanity, my uniqueness, and the creative spirit that brought me to the field of teaching. I hope we can all carry this seed of imagination and plant it in the hearts, minds, and spirits of our students each and every day!.”
— Eileen Bernstein, New York City public school teacher and music specialist
“Thanks for playing with us. Even the skeptic agreed it was fun and valuable. The workaholic felt we had gotten a lot of work done so they could justify having fun. I thought it was the perfect ending to a perfect day.”